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Instituto Dr. Pacheco de Psicología

Pearls of Wisdom


The Instituto Dr. Pacheco de Psicología is proud to present

its archival collection on

its philosophical vision and guiding principle: 


Learn to Live Better ®









# 1


Is to be able to receive each new day with a smile, and with the heart full of optimism, with the firm conviction that we will be able to overcome the challenges that life may present to us.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 2


Is a choice you can have at any time.  It is a change of attitude and of thoughts.  Remember that the only thing you can control in the world are your thoughts.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 3


Is to learn to live in peace, presenting the other cheek when someone strikes at us, and giving our best to those around us.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 4


Is to be able to sleep peacefully, without fear of death, and satisfied that one leaves good memories in others.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 5


Is to be able to share fully with our loved ones, without hiding our emotions, and enjoying each moment as if it was the last one.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 6


Is to have as a norm seeing the good side of life, and not what is bad.  In sum, to count our blessings.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 7


Is to do those things that would help us materialize our dreams, and in this way to be able to fully enjoy the happy moments of life next to the beings we love the most.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 8


Is to pay more attention to the nice things of life, while giving less importance to what is disagreeable.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 9


Is to do good to all around us, and in this way create a better society, based in love, positive reinforcement, and mutual respect.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 10


Is simply that: act as if each moment is the last, and enjoy to a maximum the blessings given to us by life and our loved ones.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 11


Is to create the conscience of the need to do good, and to hold as a norm to positively reinforce others.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 12


Is to understand that what is small is what is beautiful, and that what is emotional is that which nourishes and makes the person grow.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 13


Is to be able to tell my loved ones what I feel for them, and to invite them to do the same with me.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 14


Is to be able to freely share my sorrows and happiness with my loved ones, and to completely open my emotionality to them.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 15


Is to be able to live each moment in search for emotional fulfillment, setting aside the race for what is material.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 16


Is to be able to wake up each day with a smile for those around me, trusting that it will be a beautiful day.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 17


Is to be able to enjoy the smile of a child, and to be able to say, with all my heart, I love you.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 18


Is to be able to get free of the chains of slavery represented by addictions.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 19


Is to be able to solve the conflicts with the couple before going to bed.  It is better to be able to sleep together and on good terms.  You live more and better.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 20


Is to be able to define the project of my life in a manner that is helpful and useful, and to carry it out without hurting others.  On the contrary, getting closer to them.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 21


Is to learn to reach the level of perfection that makes me feel satisfied and proud of myself.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 22


Is to behave in a way that allows me to fall asleep easily, even at times of difficulty.  If this is so, when the time comes and life is at its end, I shall have lived a full life.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 23


Is to be able to understand that for some people there is a powerful need and excessive drive for economic success, while for others it is more important to feel satisfied and in tune with their lives.  I must choose my path with the wisdom and innocence of a child.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 24


Is to live with a full conscience of my acts, making sure that each of my behaviors will allow me to sleep serenely, without remorses nor aftertastes, but with the tranquility and peacefulness afforded by good deeds.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 25


Is to live making all my behaviors moderate.  I should only act without repressing my impulses and with all my strength when loving my children and my partner.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 26


Is to be able to give a good future to my children.  My children are the continuity of my existence.  I owe myself to them, and it is my responsibility to give them the human formation and education that they require and deserve.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 27


Is to be able to reach the full enjoyment of everything good that is brought on by life, without having to use drugs that alter my perception.  Life is beautiful as it is.  It is not necessary to change my vision of reality to enjoy it.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 28


Is to be able to talk with my partner as with my best friend, my special person.  Is to be able to trust my partner as the person who wants to share my life project.  Is who is always available for me.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 29


Is to be able to recognize when things with my partner are not going well, and to have the courage to seek the necessary professional help to maintain the relationship with my partner functioning in the best possible manner.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 30


Is to work the relationship with my chosen partner so as to progress to the most profound levels of integration, plenitude, and love.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 31


Is to develop my life in such a way that I can participate in the experiences that will make me every time a better person.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 32


Is to be able to face the realities of my life with courage and integrity, without having to hide from or block the experience.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 33


Is to be able to enjoy each instant of my existence for as long as I am alive, and to make each stage that I live as fulfilling or more than the one before.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 34


Is to make full use of the advancements made by psychology to the educational process.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 35


Is to be able to learn in the most effective and efficient manner, using the techniques developed by psychology to improve the process of teaching and learning.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 36


Is to be able to receive all of what psychology can give me to guide my life and actions.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 37


Is to be able to live with my partner in a manner that allows my children to learn what love, comprehension, and patience are, and to know that if this relationship is not working, I should not continue setting a bad example for my children.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 38


Is to be able to love myself as the most important person, valuing my capacities and potentialities, and defending my rights in front of others in a firm and appropriate manner.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 39


Is to be able to face life without distorting reality, and without entering a personal world unreachable to others.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 40


Is to respect the values of my culture, and to try to make them mine, understanding that the times of leisure and relaxation are as valuable for my mental health as the most strenuous work.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 41


Is to be able to select the toys for my sons and daughters so they will help stimulate their good intellectual and emotional development.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 42


Is to understand that the true spirit of Christmas, to prefer to give rather than to receive, is something that should last the whole year.  If so, my children will be able to become adults who contribute to world peace and understanding.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 43


Is to know that clinical psychologists can help me

to …

Learn to Live Better ®!


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 44


Is to be able to fully enjoy my sexuality, without fears and with all the plenitude that I can be capable of as a woman and as a human being, with all of the same rights afforded to men.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 45


Is to dream about my reality and to know that dreams are a confused message about my lived reality, and not a magical foretelling of the future.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 46


Is to be able to give my children the education they deserve, intervening early any difficulty they may face in their learning.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 47


Is to give my adolescents the psychological help they need, for adolescence is the most turbulent period in human development.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 48


Is to be able to accept with dignity and serenity the only reality of life that we know will occur in all certainty: death.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 49


Is to know that there are psychotherapeutic techniques available to me which work effectively, without being invasive, and without adverse side effects in the treatment of problems in mental health.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 50


Is to recognize the impact of stress on family life, and to face this with resolution, dedication, and, above all, the appropriate technology.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 51


Is to identify and deal with early, with the help of a specialist in sex therapy, any problem in my sexuality I may have, or be in the process of developing.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 52


Is to wisely recognize and face my participation, conscious or unconscious, in the development and maintenance of the mental disorder or vicious and impulsive behavior of my loved one.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 53


Is to recognize when the pressures of life are greater than my capacity to face them.  If these pressures continue, and I do not seek professional help, they will produce stress, which later on I will perceive as anxiety, anguish, and restlessness.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 54


Is to assume the responsibility I have of educating my sons and daughters so they can be happy in life, and so they can make their contribution to the society in which they may live.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 55


Is to face with resolution and courage the problems and insatisfactions in my sexuality, speaking with my partner, and seeking the professional help of a specialist in human sexuality.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 56


Is to know that men are also human beings, and that they cannot know everything, or be perfect in their sexuality.  Sometimes it is necessary that I seek the help of an expert in human sexuality to be happy in this sphere of my life.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 57


Is to be able to receive each new day with a smile and with the heart full of optimism, with the firm conviction that we shall be able to overcome, along with the being I love the most, the challenges that life may present to us.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 58


Is to be able to go to bed each night with the tranquility afforded by having acted in a just and honorable manner.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 59


Is to do those things which allow us to materialize our dreams, and in this manner fully enjoy the happy moments of life alongside the beings we love the most, without fears or worries.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 60


Is to be able to face the multiple tensions which arise each day in our life, and to be able to carry out our daily tasks with the body and the mind relaxed and free of anxiety.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 61


Is to teach hyperactive children, with a low level of attention, to overcome their problems.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 62


Is to be able to maintain my emotionality in high spirits, always ready to enjoy each moment that life brings along.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 63


Is to know that, when I need help from a mental health professional, the clinical psychologist is the specialist I should first consult with.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 64


Is to know and use the techniques I need to live better, and to modify with efficiency my inadequate or inappropriate behaviors, as well as those of my loved ones who surround me.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 65


Is to recognize that behavioral and mental health problems should first be evaluated and treated by a clinical psychologist, because this is the effective and efficient approximation which is least invasive.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 66


Is to understand that love relationships shared by three who do not consent are only a source of headaches and much sadness for all participants.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 67


Is to be able to live life free of tensions and anxieties, consciously using the muscles in my body only for those activities I wish to perform, and not as a fight or flight response to the events and situations which are part of my circumstances.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 68


Is to know that personality disorders have their origin in the manner in which I bring up my boy or girl.  I must also know that these patterns of behavior I teach them, good or bad, will probably accompany them for the rest of their lives.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 69


Consists in recognizing the beautiful gift that life gives us with the happiness, purity, and innocence of children. Their fragility, nevertheless, makes us, much too often, abuse them aggressively or sexually, and to neglect them.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 70


Is to accept that some people have a sexual orientation different from mine, and that because of this I should not reject them as human beings.  We all have the right to choose what we believe is best for us.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 71


Is to accept with patience and love that my children are growing and developing, and that they cannot always do things as I would wish them to.  I have to allow them to make mistakes while they learn to become better human beings.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 72


Is to know that not all children have the same capacity to feed themselves.  I must care for them, and nourish them according to their special needs, without going to extremes or creating bad habits.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 73


Is to know that I am facing the problems presented to me by life, and that I live with all the plenitude that I am capable of.  Only by living in this manner is that I will be able to prepare myself for the sublime and inevitable moment of my death.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 74


Is to enjoy watching boys and girls grow up, and how each day they develop new abilities and aptitudes, making their interaction with their environment increasingly richer and more complex.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 75


Is to recognize the impact addictions have on my life and that of others, and to know that I must do something o liberate myself from the slavery and pain which are the legacy of these vices.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 76


Is to know that there are people who have trained professionally to help me to learn to live better, and to know that I can count on their knowledge, experience, and  dedication in my times of need.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.


# 77


Is to be able to express my sexuality in a healthy and honest manner, freely and lovingly participating, with the desire to produce and to feel pleasure, without impositions, vexations, or pain.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 78


Is to be able to maintain my emotionality in a balanced manner, with some happiness and less sorrows, without fluctuating excessively between these two states or remaining too long in one of them.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 79


Is to be able to fully enjoy my partner, emotionally as well as sexually, so that we may fuse our common life project in only one special entity, unique and marvelous.


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



# 80


Is to recognize and to understand that the boys and girls with retardation in their development are very special, that they need much of me, and that they can also be the source of much happiness .


© 2002-2005 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 81


When the son whispers to the ear of the dying mother "I want you to know I love you very much" and she responds to him "and don't I know it?


© 2006 Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.



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# 1


Significa autoayudarnos, saber cómo enfrentarnos a ciertas situaciones en las que necesitamos orientación.





# 2


Bueno, en esa frase cabe mucho.  Significa cómo entender a los demás, cómo aceptarlos, ayudarlos y, sobretodo, cómo entendernos, amarnos, ayudarnos y aceptarnos a nosotros mismos, para poder ayudar a los demás.


Ana María



# 3


Para aprender a vivir mejor hay que dominar el nivel de stress  y saber cómo enfrentar las distintas situaciones que se nos presenten en la vida, así como también teniendo una buena autoestima.





# 4


Es un encuentro personal conmigo mismo y mi verdad; ¡aceptar y cambiar lo que se pueda cambiar! ... y así contribuir a una mejor humanidad.





# 5


Significa que nacemos con propósito y que debemos esforzarnos para ser lo mejor.


 Ramón Amaury



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# 6


Es tener tranquilidad de mente y espíritu.  Es evolucionar sabiendo que lo estás haciendo de la mejor manera que puedes y sabes hacerlo.





# 7


Significa saber tener a mano la solución del problema....  Sin tener que preguntar por un ¿Por qué? sin respuestas.  ¡Así es más fácil enfrentar las crisis, sin darles largas o sin tener que buscar un culpable... y tornar en sencillo y práctico lo que para alguien podría ser un momento de crisis!





# 8


Querido colega: Voy a darle algunos criterios personales sobre el tema, pues me parece que es buen punto para debatir....  Creo que nos pasamos gran parte del tiempo tratando de conocer el entorno para interactuar con él (ontogenéticamente hablando), a lo largo de nuestras existencias: la sociedad, la familia, los diferentes grupos de pertenencia.  Además, el conocimiento de uno mismo parece ser algo tan novedoso como la última de las teorías científicas.  Así las cosas, vivir mejor tiene que ver con la organización de valores, sentidos de vida, motivaciones personales y la comunicación que establecen los individuos en pos de lograr lo que para cada cual sea loable en su propia perspectiva, conservando la armonía que para su yo (en cualesquiera de sus dimensiones), tenga sentido con más o menos su ajuste social....  Eso del ajuste social lo regulan las normas sociales y/o grupales, que son histórico-concretas... de modo que resulten más o menos normales algunas tipos de comportamientos con relación a la media poblacional.  Podríamos aquí encontrarnos a quienes se adelantan a sus tiempos o se desfasan con la realidad y resultan tildados de raros o tal vez de precursores, retrógrados, reaccionarios, en fin, tantas clasificaciones como quieran hacer los centros de poder y/o instituciones científicas dedicadas al estudio del comportamiento humano.  Es cierto, en mi juicio, de que existe una armonía interna, una búsqueda de lo que para quien resulte: la felicidad, entendiendo ésta por: etapas, momentos, actitudes ante el fracaso, objetivos o metas donde se involucre el pensamiento creador con la búsqueda de emociones positivas permeadas de filantropismo, continuos aprendizajes y acercamientos sucesivos a cada verdad, sin esquematismos, buscando el equilibrio en cada acto propio con la naturaleza y haciendo cada vez más uso de nuestros  conocimientos, dones naturales y llamados del corazón, logrando o no la sabiduría necesaria para el tránsito por la vida, que es solo eso, un tránsito que podremos hacer más o menos gratificante, según sepamos combinar entre tantos los factores necesarios a cada quien para aprender a vivir.... Le saludo afectuosamente.





# 9


Nunca des demasiado si no recibes lo suficiente.  Nunca perdones un segundo engaño, a menos que esperes un tercero.





# 10


Significa conocer técnicas y herramientas que permitan aprovechar al máximo todos nuestros recursos intelectuales, emocionales, espirituales y fisiológicos con miras a lograr una vida más completa.





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# 11


Aprendemos a vivir mejor en la medida en que reconocemos nuestros errores y perdonamos a los demás.





# 12


Aprender a aceptar lo que somos y lo que tenemos y aprender a bregar con nuestras limitaciones.  Y, por supuesto, tener unos valores cristianos.




# 13


Disfrutar cada instante de nuestras vidas por muy sencillo que sea el momento que vivimos.  Buscar siempre la parte positiva de nuestras experiencias y de las negativas sacarle provecho para transformarlas en el verdadero aprendizaje que nos permita vivir mejor al lado de nuestros seres queridos, amigos y, por qué no, también enemigos.


Saber identificar nuestras emociones para comprender nuestros sentimientos y poder expresarlos de la mejor manera posible para que puedan ser entendidos por quienes nos rodean.  Estar en contacto con la naturaleza las 24 horas del día, disfrutar de la música, el deporte y la pintura.  Amar, amar a nuestros seres queridos y al resto del mundo y comer bien con equilibrio.





# 14


Mejorar la calidad de vida, estando en paz con uno mismoy con los seres que me rodean.  Hacer de la vida, de nuestra vida, algo más hermoso de lo que realmente es.





# 15


Preparar la mente y el espíritu para un nuevo y mejor plan de vida.





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# 16


Means to me to be spiritually free, without constraints or abstract obstacles.  It is to see reality

as an oasis that can change.





# 17


Is to maintain special contact with our inner self, to make the exterior something wonderful and pleasurable.





# 18


Is to know my strengths and weaknesses and to learn to live with them.





# 19


Means to me to start counting all the things we have, both spiritually as materially, instead of counting what we do not have.  To thank God for this.





# 20


Is, for me, to live rooted on our reality, without giving up our dreams.





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# 21



Is to discover how wonderful is to have

Jesús in our heart and to know that only Him

gives us the absolute happiness of living better.





# 22


Is to give more of me to those who need my help, doing this with quality and respect.





# 23


Is to be in peace with oneself and to do things in the most correct manner possible, to prevent later on falling down into an emotional crisis.





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Each week we publish the Pearls of Wisdom of what

Learn to Live Better ®

means to us.  We also publish your answers.


This collection is kept in archival form at this page, devoted to the

Pearls of Wisdom


We invite you to collaborate with us by sending us an e-mail with

your own personal vision of what it means to you to...


Learn to Live Better ®


We would like to publish your answer.





The Instituto Dr. Pacheco de Psicología is dedicated to helping others...



Learn to Live Better ®



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Instituto Dr. Pacheco de Psicología

Angel Enrique Pacheco, Ph.D.

Director - Clinical Psychologist

Avenida Independencia 105, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Telephone: 809-686-6666  Fax: 809-686-2222  Emergencies: 809-838-2222

E-Mail: info@idpp.org

Webmaster: webmaster@idpp.org


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The IDPP Internet Website was Originally Published 25 March 1999

This Page Last Updated 4 August 2008